The Result and its tabulation

Check this out! Who's the winner?

ADC Debate Camp Datang Lagi!!

Hey guys, yuk ngecamp bareng ADC di villa batu. Banyak acara serunya lho!!

Pendaftaran Pengurus ADC 2017

Ada yg minat di bidang kepengurusan? ADC menyiapkan beberap kursi bagi mereka yg ingin serta antusias dibidang ini.

Rundown for MANDATE

You'd know when to come, so that your team will not be disqualified in the role call, right? Then, here it is!

Happy Anniversary ADC for the 12th times

~Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday, happy birthday, Happy birthday to you.....~

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Go research!!!

Bismillah... ADC goes to Jakarta (AISOFOLL), Semarang, and Bandung (CONAPLIN) for conference!!!
Trust us comrades, your debate skill will eventually give advantage to you. Just apply it in your daily activities particularly in academic area. These WEIRD guys are merely ones of examples. KEEP STRONGER ADC. HAMMASAH!!!